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Slovenia, P R8, B108a, Barac S116, 500 Lira, 14 September 1944


In 1944, due to the shortage of Italian lire in circulation in Slovenia during World War II, the German occupation authorities authorized the Hranilnica Ljubljanske Pokrajine (HLP) to issue denarna nakaznica denominated in Italian lira. Although literally money orders, these circulated as banknotes together with regular issue Italian currency and were also backed by the Banca d’Italia.

Grade Omschrijving Prijs

Artikelnummer 2543B108a


Country: Slovenia
Era: 1941 - 1945, German occupation WW II
Catalogues: P R8, B108a, Barac S116
Issuer: Hranilnica Ljubljanske Pokrajine
Value: 500 Lira
Date/Year: 14 September 1944
Variety: Graded
Front design: Man in national costume; Slovenian text; eagle coat of arms
Back design: Eagle coat of arms; German text; man in national costume
Signature(s): Čeč/Božič
Watermark: None
Serial number type: Ser. A
Security features: No security thread
Printer: (Ljudska tiskarna Ljubljana)
Size (LxH mm): 145x90 mm
Series: Ser. A

In 1944, due to the shortage of Italian lire in circulation in Slovenia during World War II, the German occupation authorities authorized the Hranilnica Ljubljanske Pokrajine (HLP) to issue denarna nakaznica denominated in Italian lira. Although literally money orders, these circulated as banknotes together with regular issue Italian currency and were also backed by the Banca d’Italia.